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 Julie Esther Fisher's short stories and poetry appear or are forthcoming in Alaska Quarterly Review, Chicago Quarterly Review, Prime Number Magazine, New World Writing, Tahoma Literary Review, Bridge Eight, William and Mary Review, Other VoicesOn the Seawall, Sky Island Journal, Radar Poetry, The Citron Review, Spellbinder, Free the Verse, The Fieldstone Review, and Litmosphere: A Journal of Charlotte Lit. Winner of several awards, including Grand Prize Recipient of the "Stories That Need to be Told" Anthology, and Sunspot Lit's Rigel Award, she has been a finalist in numerous other contests, including the 2023 and 2024 New Millennium Writings Awards. She has been nominated for the Best of the Net and twice for the Pushcart. In 2023 she was grateful to receive a grant from the Massachusetts Cultural Council. Her collection of linked stories, "Love Is a Crooked Stick," is about to go out on submission. An American who holds degrees in fiction writing and counseling psychology, she was raised in London. Today, along with her classical musician husband and their two faithful rescue dogs, she is graced to live amidst several hundred acres of wild conserved land in Massachusetts, where she indulges her passion for nature and gardening. Her gardens, featuring walls she and her husband built using stone they excavated from the property, have been host to workshops and garden tours.